I usually share my weekly planner flip-through on Instagram, but I thought I would start sharing them here on my blog too!
Here, I have more space to share my thoughts and explain changes I may be making in my weekly planning.
I don’t have any pictures of my previous weeks here, but you can head over to my Instagram to check those out! I recently changed my weekly social media trackers. Right now I am drawing in the little pictures, but hopefully, I can get my hands on a Cricut soon, and make my own stickers ๐
This is how I am using my daily pages. I get a little of everything on this page. Time blocking, a to-do list, and even space for journaling.
One of my new goals is to learn hand lettering. I’m starting with the days of the week! I started by doing faux-calligraphy, but then I moved on to just hand lettering. Buy, I recently purchased a brush pen, and now I need to learn how to use it.
Do you see how the lettering changed?
Well, that’s about it! Let me know if you have any questions in the comment area and I’ll do my best to help you out.